Plastic surgery creates a false sense of confidence but the resultant consequences and the fact that it is an extremely expensive procedure points to its redundancy. To maintain a healthy body, one merely needs to exercise regularly and consume natural foods Argumentative Essay On Plastic Surgery. Plastic surgery has been a hot button issue in recent years because of the debate of how far procedures can and should go. TV shows like “Botched” highlight how plastic surgeries can go wrong and make someone look fake, but that is a rarer scenario than media perceives it to be Plastic surgery defeats the whole purpose of natural beauty and with that comes the influence to change yourself to appeal to others. There are so many negatives to plastic surgery that these procedures should be limited and used only for those who actually need it
Argumentative Essay on Plastic Surgery
We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. Individuals may say that plastic surgery is not an issue, but it is. These procedures cannot only harm the patients, but negatively affect others associated with that person. Don't use plagiarized sources, argumentative essay about plastic surgery. There are so many negatives to plastic surgery that these procedures should be limited and used only for those who actually need it.
Whether fifty years old argumentative essay about plastic surgery eighteen years old, people of all ages are getting cosmetic surgery procedures done. Almost everyone who has gotten plastic surgery says they did in order to make them feel better about themselves and gain confidence. People should not have to resort to surgery in order to feel confident and comfortable in their own bodies, it is the pressures from society that makes them feel this way. Society should not want their youths or anyone to have to go through such extremes to fit in.
Natural beauty should be cherished and not pushed to the side for cosmetic enhancements. Cosmetic surgeries are influencing our younger generations to change themselves for others to fit in. Cosmetic surgery only serves to show everyone how spoiled of a society we are. What we want we can get, even if we pay thousands and go under the knife for it.
When people feel that there is something that they cannot possibly achieve, argumentative essay about plastic surgery, it humbles them. The feeling of not being able to get omething reminds us how we are just normal people.
However, cosmetic surgery changes this perception. We feel we can achieve all we want to in life, and that only makes us seem narcissistic and shows our spoiled natures. Other cultures see these procedures as degrading to the natural human body, but us Americans see it as totally fine. In argumentative essay about plastic surgery cases, argumentative essay about plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery does help individuals.
Things like skin grafts on burn victims, or the correcting argumentative essay about plastic surgery an abnormal feature on the human body.
These things help people feel more normal. This is how cosmetic surgery was first used. Then people started to use cosmetic surgery, not to look merely normal, but to look perfect.
They wanted their bodies to look like the airbrushed girl or boy in the magazines. Also, we have now been taken one step further into the nightmare by people using surgery to look abnormal. People having their features changed in order to look like animals or serpents. This freaky use of cosmetic surgery is not healthy. What was once medical and good is now nothing more than abusing a medical procedure. Surgery is becoming more and more common, and contrary to popular belief, it is not among the rich.
Poorer people now are considering cosmetic surgery as a viable option for them. This is not healthy, if these people did not have the option to have cosmetic surgery they would live better lives. They would spend their money on things that are more important than their appearance, argumentative essay about plastic surgery.
A case can also be made that cosmetic surgery helped create our recession. People filled their heads with ambitions of looking good, and took on debt in order to cover the cost.
This was debt on credit cards and mortgages which ultimately led to the credit crunch. Cosmetic surgery is not all completely terrible. The point here is the way you make it.
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ENGL201: Argumentative Essay Writing - Part 1 (A)
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· An argumentative essay on plastic surgery procedure assesses such factors with a keen focus on merits and demerits. These informative article s describe several matters including associated elements from cosmetic surgery's negative impacts to psychological influences as after-effects in case something goes wrong · This sample argumentative essay on plastic surgery discusses different positive and negative effects of it on a person's overall health and self-esteem. At the beginning of the 21st century, beauty standards have become mandatory in the western world Plastic surgery defeats the whole purpose of natural beauty and with that comes the influence to change yourself to appeal to others. There are so many negatives to plastic surgery that these procedures should be limited and used only for those who actually need it
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