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Aringo essays

Aringo essays

aringo essays

Fisher Video Essay Interview - ARINGO. Each applicant will be required to complete an online assessment comprised of pre-recorded video questions (delivered via Fisher’s Kira Talent platform). Since live interviews are by invitation only, the video interview is a way for us to virtually meet you and get a sense of your personality and potential beyond what you’ve included in your application Free Georgetown MBA Essay Samples - Looking for MBA program consultants? Aringo has helped over students to get accepted to the top MBA blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins MBA Essay Samples by School. Click on a school logo to see samples of real essays that helped ARINGO clients get accepted to that school

MBA Essay Examples for top ranked Business Schools

The following essays were written by ARINGO candidates who got accepted to London Business School MBA program over the past few years. Read these LBS MBA Essay examples to get a sense of what they are looking for at London Business School.

Contact ARINGO for help with your LBS MBA essays! My leadership experience includes mainly my managerial experience at my company. The greatest challenge I faced was building my research team at my company.

The previous CEO had worked directly opposite freelance analysts, aringo essays neither organized work processes nor research methodology existed. In order to change that, I hired 5 research managers, re-defined responsibilities and tasks throughout the company, and spearheaded the formulation of a new research methodology. The new methodology gave us an edge over our competitors, and established the company as a brand name for quality research, aringo essays.

One of the most difficult decisions I had to make was firing Karen, a veteran member of my team. Transforming my company into a leading research firm required a devoted team that was committed to this goal, and willing to make extra efforts. This vision did not fit Karen, aringo essays.

She was looking for a laid back position, and although talented, she did only the necessary minimum. I faced a tough decision, aringo essays. On the one hand, to fire an experienced employee, aringo essays, in a time when most of the employees were new, seemed unwise. On the other hand, not firing her would mean establishing double standards for our employees, and might aringo essays resentment in the entire team.

After I failed to change her attitude, I decided to fire Karen. Although I knew that in the short run things would get difficult, I concluded there was no other way. I needed the most dedicated team possible, aringo essays Karen, as head of a major division, aringo essays, would have undermined this effort in the long run. Personally, making the decision was very hard, aringo essays.

It meant firing aringo essays colleague, with whom I had worked closely for a long time, aringo essays. However, in the long run, team spirit improved greatly and I succeeded in building the right team to lead the company forward. I believe that the role I will play in my study group will be the level-headed planner, aringo essays, who analyzes a complicated situation, prioritizes tasks, and assigns responsibilities.

I will be the one that tries to find the solution when there seems to be a dead end and points out the hard facts that others aringo essays to overlook. When other people are in charge, I will be the one they go over their plan with, in order to find pitfalls and loose ends. My longer term vision is becoming the CEO of a major telecom company, aringo essays, such as Vodafone.

I want to be the one that directs the course, aringo essays, creates a vision and executes it. I believe that a successful CEO has to have the skills to hire the right people to run the every-day business, while he worries about future business directions.

A path of management roles in large corporations that focus on business development will serve as the necessary ground for being an innovative leader hopefully leaving my mark on the telecom industry, and at some point I do see myself putting my knowledge aringo essays experience into my own company, and surprising the telecom market aringo essays an innovative product or service, aringo essays.

As a journalist, I have sought to bring about change by illuminating incongruities in the world. After nine years at the largest media conglomerates, I feel the news industry can go further to improve the lives of those we report on. I have acted on this belief, training citizen reporter networks in Burma, China and Palestine, initiating video-diary projects, and establishing a non-profit organization for video-activists Videre est Aringo essays. Yet, I believe I can do more to impact social change through media by encouraging further industry support for citizen journalists in conflict and development zones.

Post MBA, I will work towards this vision by seeking a aringo essays position in new media business development at an organization like BBC or Time Warner. I will work to foresee trends in new news media and maximize strategic management of emerging technologies to supplement both content and unique platform monetization. While formulating strategic plans to match radical changes currently facing the news industry, I aringo essays also gain management experience in pilot programs pushing media development that encourages industry integration of citizen journalists.

My work launching Videre confirmed the change-bearing power of social media for conflict regions and provided me with tools to create this reciprocal dimension within the news industry.

This has been a step towards my long-term goal of establishing a dot-com news organization powered by citizen journalists, aringo essays. I hope to build on this momentum with my subsequent MBA studies to help me gain practical tools to establish a revenue-producing social media venture, which could serve as a model for the larger industry. I look towards an LBS MBA for the skills to translate my experience producing media content into managing aringo essays platforms and developing business frameworks for news organizations.

Speaking with several alumni in the Media and Strategy sectors, I confirmed how foundational skills in strategy, finance and entrepreneurship would prepare me for a senior business development aringo essays and eventually help me found a media company with a social development agenda. I was further encouraged learning about the Center for Creative Business, and with courses like Prof. The Responsible Business Club and Asperastra Consulting would also engage me with ideas and initiatives aringo essays ground in sustainable development and social aringo essays fields, aringo essays.

Then I would pursue a Shadowing Project at a different media firm for a broader industry perspective. As a project manager at a multinational bank in Hong Kong, overseeing credit lending operations, I noticed that often the small-scale, digital businesses were turned down by the bank. In my view, aringo essays, the traditional banking model is to be blamed.

Aringo essays how other industries are benefiting from the digital disruption, I have taken additional responsibilities in digitalization through training colleagues on digital awareness. However, I believe there is much more I aringo essays do. Post MBA, in short term; I want to work in product management in a fintech firm focused on lending such as Lending Club or Alibaba to understand how to solve financial problems using technology.

In the long term, I envision to lead a digital strategy team in an international bank to push business transformation in the existing Aringo essays Kong banking model. At the bank, I was fortunate to expose to both frontline and middle management roles in credit lending and project management, leading a team of 24 of diverse backgrounds. The engagements I lead, such as implementing a more robust anti-money laundering system, require in-depth strategic planning and flawless execution as it impacts over 10, customers.

Steering a digital business transformation demands an entrepreneurial spirit and global thinking, something I need to improve upon. I will diversify my social circle and learn from diverse viewpoints to accelerate my business acumen to a global scale. Looking forward, I wish to use my bid points to take the strategy lab class taught by Prof Markides, a professor whom many current students spoke highly of, to work on real business problems on disruptive innovation.

I will also take full advantage of the unique offer LBS provides on the highly flexible curriculum and block week electives, aringo essays, as I aringo essays well-positioned in London to work 2 internships or part time with a fintech firm to understand how to solve financial problems using technology.

Combining my experience from working at the bank, skills and knowledge gained from LBS and the product management experience gained at a fintech firm, aringo essays, I will be well positioned to achieve my long-term vision of transforming business lending in Hong Kong banking sector and contribute to its growth story in the digital economy. As a Digital and Customer Strategy consultant at a multinational professional services firm, I work with the largest client-facing organizations in my country, helping them improve the relationship between the business and its stakeholders.

While working with the firm, I acquired significant professional experience; I learned how to quickly analyze complex processes and big data and how to offer customized solutions to my clients accordingly. In the future, I wish aringo essays continue to prepare organizations for the digital age but on a global scale. I believe an MBA from LBS will provide me with a solid business education foundation, international network and know how from real case studies.

My post MBA aringo essays is to join a leading digital strategy consulting firm such as Huge, Designit, A. Kearney, or Frog as a Digital Transformation Manager. This will advance my long-term plan to lead my own digital strategy consulting firm specializing in digital transformation. When I met with Mr. I wish to participate in the elective strategy aringo essays and tackle real life case studies with A.

Kearney, a global leader in digital transformations services, aringo essays. This will help me expand my network in my target industry and learn about new industries I was not exposed to at my firm, helping me become a more diverse consultant.

I plan to participate in the Consulting Club, in order to share my experience and broaden my knowledge. I wish to improve my chances for securing my post-MBA job through networking and practicing case interviews with peer leaders.

I hope to become a peer leader myself during the second year. During my studies I plan to focus on innovation, in order to improve my ability to offer suitable solutions to my future clients. Therefore I look forward to participating in the Strategic Innovation elective with Professor Sendil Ethiraj, and the Innovating Business Models, Products and Services course.

I would also like to develop my soft skills by taking the Understanding General Management class, as well as the Negotiation and Bargaining class, which came highly recommend by alumni I spoke with. Finally, I was also impressed to hear from Noam about the diverse student body, aringo essays, strong alumni network and its impact on his career.

I look forward to creating new relationships with people from various nationalities and backgrounds and expanding my network. Meaningful careers in real estate take years to build because development is an extremely slow and complex process. I feel privileged to have enjoyed exceptionally swift career progress, becoming Project Director at the age of By then, I was no longer that architecture student obsessed with aesthetics and integrated design, having become fascinated with the broader and more intellectually challenging real estate business.

Whilst I could have gone to a business school at that stage, I realised that from such senior position I had immediate access to unique professional opportunities, which I decided to embrace instead.

Since then, I have designed, managed and built world-class, billion-pound developments for Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Barclays and AstraZeneca, aringo essays, and learned immensely from experience about the technical, financial and legal complexities in real estate.

I successfully progressed from a delivery level to managerial level, built a solid base upon which I can grow a career and am already regarded as a trusted professional by clients, aringo essays. The knowledge, experience and intuition that I have gathered are also valuable at an investment and advisory level, aringo essays.

Property owners, investors and occupiers require sound advice when defining strategies or making decisions in the niche field of real estate. In the short-term, I aim to be based in London and provide advice on or optimise real estate investments and aringo essays in either a consultancy, such as McKinsey Capital Projects, a corporate client with a large property portfolio, such as WeWork, or a real estate fund, such as Tishman Speyer, aringo essays. In the long-term, I aim to create, aringo essays, develop and manage my own real estate-based business from Lisbon, aringo essays, where the real estate investment trusts regime has just been implemented.

I currently possess valuable transferable skills that will help me succeed: I reason in a logical way, prioritise conflicting points of aringo essays and solve problems with a design-driven mindset, aringo essays. Such an approach is, to me, aringo essays, particularly relevant when so many opportunities arise in the built environment from the disruptive impact of big data, digital companies and climate change.

I do not possess however sufficient business, aringo essays, finance and management knowledge and consider that the London Business School MBA will afford me a robust business education foundation. Should I be accepted, aringo essays, I am keen to deepen my knowledge in finance and choose the Private Equity, Capital Markets, and Real Aringo essays Finance electives. I look forward to learning from real world case studies and outstanding professors, such as João Cocco.

The Core Application Practicum and the vast alumni network in London will allow me to access direct employment opportunities during and beyond the programme.

I aim to expand my network to other sectors relevant to real estate investment, aringo essays, including banking, law or private wealth management, by joining the Real Estate, Private Equity and Consulting clubs, as well as the Photography and Expedition clubs.

Lastly, I plan to offer aringo essays creative mindset of an architect and help local social enterprises during the Global Business Experience week, making the most of the experience of aringo essays lifetime.

I believe that my art-based education and aringo essays in design, construction and consultancy will allow me to bring professional diversity and broad points of view to my cohort. As an architect, I studied the history of art and design, aringo essays, and was formally trained to draw as a means to understand problems and develop solutions that are far beyond a simple and immediate response.

To my mind, this design-thinking approach is extremely relevant in business for introducing a restless approach to problem-solving that yields inspiring added value assets. This holds equally true for the design of a summer house, a mobile phone or a taxi-cab business, and I am keen to transmit that creative approach to my fellow colleagues. I also bring with me unique experience in entrepreneurship. One example, from years ago aringo essays studying in Aringo essays, was when I discovered my love of photography.

Live Profile Evaluation by ARINGO - MBA Spotlight Oct 2020

, time: 47:44

Free Rotman MBA Essay Samples - ARINGO

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ARINGO Consultants | Meet the Best MBA Consultants in the Industry! Sriram Emani. MIT Sloan MBA. Sriram was selected amongst the first batch of 12 Tata Fellows at the MIT Tata Center for Technology and Design. He is an Prasanth Ramanand. Jamal Wilburn. Ross Yesikov. Cathryn Noyes. Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins Free Rotman MBA Essay Samples - Looking for MBA program consultants? Aringo has helped over students to get accepted to the top MBA blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins ARINGO provides useful tips and information on how to draft a successful essay for your MBA application and can help you with the actual process too! Additionally, paste this Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins

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