· A good descriptive paragraph is like a window into another world. Through the use of careful examples or details, an author can conjure a scene that vividly describes a person, place, or thing. The best descriptive writing appeals to multiple senses at once—smell, sight, taste, touch, and hearing—and is found in both fiction and nonfiction · For example, you can write an essay about Napoleon Bonaparte, Martin Luther King, Ronald Reagan, or other famous and successful people to consider their personalities more precisely. Describe the features of the person one by one, like: Appearance The source of the descriptive essay on a person can be everything. As for other descriptions, it could be a life experience, when a portrait is recreated from memory (e.g., "The appearance of a person I saw once "), or from imagination ("My portrait in 10 years"). The source of descriptions can be a special observation, including the painting. Another type of descriptive essay on a person is a verbal
Describing a Person (Descriptive Paragraph)- Unit 1 ~ iLearnENGLISH
Conversion Conversion Emoticon Emoticon. Describing a Person Descriptive Paragraph - Unit 1 AM. A descriptive paragraph is focused on describing a person in detail. It begins with a descriptive sentence that clearly states the topic that will be rolled out in the following sentences. See examples below:. Physical Feature.
Vocabulary for Description. long, short, lank, lanky, bony, rounded, well-shaped. posture, describing a person paragraph example oneself well, hold one's body upright, stooping. large, small, powerful, slight, heavy, slim, solid, delicate, strong, spare, stocky, neat, sturdy, graceful. long, high, prominent, perfect, sculptured, broken, cracked, fractured.
wide, chubby, plump, hollow, sunken, with dimples, with creases, blushing, pink, rosy, scarlet, ashen, pale, pallid, pasty, cool, smooth, soft, flushed, hot, ruddy, tear-stained, wet, hamster, hamster-like, rouged, stubby, unshaven.
clean-shaven, double, protruding, massive, pointed, round, decided. strong, feeble, vigorous, frail, rugged, delicate, iron, weak poor. curving, earlobe, lop-eared, pointed, pointy, floppy. winged, straight, thin, artificial, false, thick, short, describing a person paragraph example, long, curling. amber, arched, bushy, dark, jet-black, heavy, thick, enquiring, querying, questioning, quizzical, cynical, sardonic, sceptical, surprised, amused, derisive, mocking, lifted, raised, pencilled, raise knit one's brows, shaggy, unkempt, plucked, shaped, straight, thin, well-marked.
twisted, close-set, big, enormous, huge, sparse, describing a person paragraph example, even, straight, gappy, crooked, jagged, misshapen, broken, missing, needle-sharp, razor-sharp, sharp, baby, milk, wisdom, canine, savage, back, front, bottom, top, capped, false, gold, loose, wobbly, yellow, decayed, rotten, perfect, splendid, strong, white, pearl-like, pearl-white, good, healthy, uneven, prominent, sticking out, large, small, perfect, imperfect.
firm, careful, gingerly, heavy, delicate, light, brisk, quick, rapid, smart, slow, measured footstep, stride with a firm step. big, broad, great, huge, manly, massive, muscled, muscular, powerful, strong, wide, tense, tight, tired, bare, square, round, bony, bowed, delicate, shapely, slim, sloping, high, narrow, thin, hollow chest, throw one's chest with pride, waist, be slim at the waist. aquiline, big, bulbous, enormous, huge, large, nostrils, aristocratic, elegant, pink, red, shiny, bridge of the nose, flat, flattened, tip of the nose, curved, Roman, flat, beaky, hooked, crooked, snub, tip-tilted, narrow, thin, straight, pointed, sharp, little, small, stubby, tiny, fleshy, long, prominent, strong, turned up, upturned.
firm, hard, strong, big, cavernous, enormous, generous, huge, large, wide, full, sensual, sensuous, describing a person paragraph example, lopsided, wet, dry, tight, gaping, half-open, cruel, hungry, swollen, toothless, full-lipped, lipless, thin, loose, slack, soft, hot, warm, stern, small, beautiful, chiselled, handsome, lovely, pretty, strong-willed.
Moustache, beard and whiskers. side·whiskers, describing a person paragraph example, sideboards, sideburns, clean shaven, smooth cheeks, stubby, unshaven, stubble beard, full beard, moustache, military moustache, English-style moustache, shadow, describing a person paragraph example, thick, thin, bushy, clipped, curly, drooping, droopy, neat, military, pencil, handlebar, toothbrush, tufty, walrus, waxed, nicotine-stained, false.
Leg, long, short, stumpy, slender, crooked, beautiful, good, shapely finemuscled, muscular, powerful, strong, bow-shaped, skinny, findly, thin, bandy, hairy, lank, stout, large, small, narrow. My Teen Sister. My best friend Brahim.
Brahim has been my best friend since we were in primary school. He's a tall and slim young man with tanned skin and curly dark hair. He has brown small eyes in an oval shiny face. He always wears casual clothes in a very messy way. Brahim is very outgoing.
He is an extroverted person who loves having fun all the time. He's got a great sense of humour, and he always makes me laugh. Brahim is a very generous and sensitive person. However, he can be a little tense at times. For example, when someone crosses him, he suddenly becomes very quarrelsome and wild. Brahim is very keen on playing games, particularly soccer. During the weekends, he spends hours either training his describing a person paragraph example team or watching matches on TV.
In addition to that, he enjoys singing and dancing, as well, and he is fond of listening to pop music in particular. Everybody likes him for his modesty and sociability. All in all, I'm satisfied to have such a good person like Brahim as a friend. I really enjoy his company.
I never feel bored or sad when I am with him. I'm sure we'll always be intimate friends. Tweet Share Share Share Share. About iLearnENGi.
Next « Prev Post. Previous Next Post ». Conversion Conversion Emoticon Emoticon Conversion Clean. Subscribe describing a person paragraph example Post Comments Atom. Popular Posts. Describing a Person Descriptive Paragraph - Unit 1. A Descriptive Paragraph Person A descriptive paragraph is focused on describing a person in detail.
It begins with a descrip Reported Speech- Exercises. Exercise 1. Complete the sentences in reported speech. John said, "I love this town. Our opinion about something is what we thin Expressing Addition and Concession -Exercises. Keep in Mind! Exercises Describing a person paragraph example -with answers! Complete the following exercise with gerund or infinitive forms of the indicated verbs. What do you want do tonight? Gerunds and Infinitives Which one to use-detailed.
GERUND Bear in mind that only the gerund is used after these expressions: It's no use Expressing Addition and Concession. Addition To add information, you can use these expressions: in addition, - as well as - moreover - what is more - not only Linking Words.
Linking Words It is essential to understand how Linking Wordsas a part of speech, can be used to combine ideas in wr Describing positive personality types: Appealing, elegant or neat outlook and behaviour. Describing negative personality types: unappealing, shabby or clumsy outlook and behaviour. My Teen Sister My favorite little sister is Sarah. She is sixteen years old. She is short, 1 meter and 51 centimeters tall, describing a person paragraph example. She has long wavy, shiny, brown hair.
Her skin is so beautiful. It reminds me of the color of coffee with milk. Her face is a heart form. You can see her anger or happiness in her big expressive brown eyes. She has a little nose, and her mouth looks like it was painted light pink. She can speak two thousand words, moving from hate to love and from love to hate, change her opinion five times, start talking alone, forget what she was talking about at the beginning, all in one minute.
She has a strong personality. She is a little crazy, but I love her personality. Sometimes I want to kill her, and she wants to kill me too. I think that is normal between sisters.
She likes rap, hip-hop, and pop music. She likes reading romance and fantasy books. She enjoys horror movies I know, she is crazy. She loves to go out with her friends, paint her nails, and wear high heel shoes. She is always dancing, studying, reading, working and going out. She is a very busy girl. The truth is that since childhood, she has danced, sung and talked incessantly. She always knew what she wanted and never hesitated to say her opinion.
She has lived happy and sad moments like everyone, but she has continued with her life. She makes me feel very proud for that reason. When she reads this part she will want to hit me.
I love my teen sister.
Descriptive Paragraph Class 9 CBSE - Descriptive Paragraph writing on a Person-Essay Format Examples
, time: 7:29Describe a person paragraph example

11 rows · A descriptive paragraph is focused on describing a person in detail. It begins with a The source of the descriptive essay on a person can be everything. As for other descriptions, it could be a life experience, when a portrait is recreated from memory (e.g., "The appearance of a person I saw once "), or from imagination ("My portrait in 10 years"). The source of descriptions can be a special observation, including the painting. Another type of descriptive essay on a person is a verbal · Descriptive Writing Tools. Can your homeschool high schoolers describe a person using great detail as in the above examples? Can they describe their subject in detail without turning it into a narrative or story? When I was teaching homeschool writing classes, this was a hard concept for my students to grasp
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