Essentials Of Writing Biomedical Research Papers Author: Mimi Zeiger ISBN: UOM Genre: Medical writing File Size: 82 MB Format: PDF, ePub, Docs Download: Read: Get This Book Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition: Written by Mimi Zeiger, Edition, (2nd Edition) Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional [Paperback]: Books - blogger.comews: 47 3 rows · · Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers by Mimi Zeiger, September 30, , McGraw-Hill Cited by:
[PDF] Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers | Semantic Scholar
Provides immediate help for anyone preparing a biomedical paper by givin specific advice on organizing the components of the paper, effective writing techniques, writing an effective results sections, documentation issues, essentials of writing biomedical research papers, sentence structure and much more.
The new edition includes new examples from the current literature including many involving molecular biology, expanded exercises at the end of the book, revised explanations on linking key terms, transition clauses, uses of subheads, and emphases. If you plan to do any medical writing, read this book first and get an immediate advantage.
The Goal: Clear Writing. Section I: The Building Blocks of Writing. Chapter 1: Word Choice. Chapter 2: Sentence Structure. Chapter 3: Paragraph Structure. Section II: The Text of the Biomedical Research Paper. Chapter 4: The Introduction. Chapter 5: Materials and Methods. Chapter 6: Results.
Chapter 7: Discussion. Section III: Supporting Information. Chapter 8: Figures and Tables. Chapter 9: References. Section IV: The Overview. Chapter The Abstract. Chapter The Title. Chapter The Big Picture. Reaching the Goal: Suggestions for Writing. Revisions of Exercises. Literature Cited. An engaging and effective nuts-and-bolts approach to scientific writing. outstanding for its approach to the logic of presenting scientific work.
Now revised and updated, this straightforward guide to biomedical writing helps authors understand both what a well-written scientific research paper is and how to create such a work. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers, Second Edition, provides writers with specific, clear guidelines on word choice, sentence structure, and paragraph structure. In addition, it explains how to construct each section of a research paper, so that, ultimately, the paper as a whole tells a clear story and sends a clear message.
New to This Edition! New examples from the current literature, including many involving molecular biology; Expanded exercises at the end essentials of writing biomedical research papers the book; Revised explanations on linking key terms, transitions clauses, uses of subheads, and emphases.
The specific principles of effective biomedical writing are presented and explained, and then summarized in handy chapter checklists. Each section of the prototypical biomedical research paper is then systematically analyzed in terms of its function, content, organization, detail, and length.
This section-by-section analysis covers the following: the introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, figures and tables, references, abstract, and title. Of special note: The book contains a full-length paper for readers to evaluate and revise in accordance with the book;book's principles and guidelines. Also from McGraw-Hill Gehlbach: Interpreting the Medical Literature; Glantz: Primer of Biostatics Books and Software; Friedman: Primer of Epidemiology.
This books focuses on mechanics and methods of writing specifically for the medical sciences. Full of hands-on techniques, methods, essentials of writing biomedical research papers, and exercises geared to analyzing and improving your writing.
I'm an experienced technical writer yet still found this book quite useful. Five stars! Sutton Posted by admin at PM Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest Labels: Basic Science 1 comment: Unknown October 24, at AM I need a copy of this please.
Saturday, February 12, Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers, essentials of writing biomedical research papers. Second Edition PDF. Paperback: pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 2 edition September 30, Language: English ISBN ISBN Product Dimensions: 0. Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition PDF Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition Overview Main description Provides immediate help for anyone preparing a biomedical paper by givin specific advice on organizing the components of the paper, effective writing techniques, writing an effective results sections, documentation issues, sentence structure and much more.
Table of contents Preface. Author comments Mimi Zeiger, MA is at the University of San Francisco, San Francisco, California Back cover copy An engaging and effective nuts-and-bolts approach to scientific writing. This is an exceptional book. It walks the reader through all essentials of writing biomedical research papers of writing a biomedical paper, and exemplifies the saying that "clear writing means clear thinking".
Even after having written or co-written perhaps 40 biomedical papers and grants, I found this book an eye-opener. I've worked with some excellent writers and re-writers on biomed papers, but Zeiger's book lays out for all of us what some top writers may do by instinct. She essentials of writing biomedical research papers with word choice, essentials of writing biomedical research papers, sentence structure, then alternative paragraph structures.
She practically shows you the nature of language and thought. She goes through the right way to produce biomed papers - if you ever thought the great, efficient writers had a rule book -you- never got, THIS is the rule book. If you ever had an introduction that sounded like the abstract, or a results sections that was unwieldy, or a discussion section that seemed to repeat the introduction - Zeiger lays out the hidden rules that most people would want to follow.
Following her rules, from sentence to paragraph to section, creates a paper that invokes an instinctive sense of clarity in the reader. Many times I had the "Aha! The book should be very useful for all kinds of clear writing, including research grants. I never took one of those "scientific writing" classes because I felt smart and fluent and the classes seemed pedestrian.
If those classes essentials of writing biomedical research papers used this book, I would have been way ahead to have discovered this information twenty years ago. Mimi Zeiger has written a truly useful book about medical writing.
Many specialized writing books are just collections of general writing rules in disguise. Posted by admin at PM Email This BlogThis!
Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Labels: Basic Science. Unknown October 24, at AM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom.
HOW to search Biomedical research papers - Essential Beginner's Guide - Biomeducated
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Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition PDF. Rating: (23 reviews) Author: Mimi Zeiger ISBN: New from $ Format: PDF. Download medical books file now PRETITLE Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Second Edition POSTTITLE from 4shared, mediafire, hotfile, and mirror link. Provides immediate help for anyone preparing a biomedical paper Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers Mimi Zeiger DOI: How to Cite Zeiger, M. (). Essentials of Writing Biomedical Research Papers. Discourse and Writing/Rédactologie, 11(1), 33 If this article is selected for publication in the Canadian Journal for Studies in Discourse and Writing Author: Mimi Zeiger Section I: The Building Blocks of Writing. Chapter 1: Word Choice. Chapter 2: Sentence Structure. Chapter 3: Paragraph Structure. Section II: The Text of the Biomedical Research Paper. Chapter 4: The Introduction. Chapter 5: Materials and Methods. Chapter 6: Results. Chapter 7: Discussion
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