Monday, April 26, 2021

Short essay on birds

Short essay on birds

short essay on birds

Essay on “Birds” ( Words) Birds are special kind of animal species with certain specific characteristics that are common to all of them. All of them are feathered, winged, bipedal (meaning: having two legs), egg-laying, warm blooded, vertebrate animals belonging to the class Aves Penguins – Birds that Cannot Fly Penguins are one of my favorite species of birds. They look like a bunch of men in tuxedos at the beach. Although they are considered birds, none of them are capable of flying. They live in climates and locations that range from the warm Equator to the freezing Antarctic Words Short Essay on the Birds for kids. The bird is a flying feathered creature, with two strong wings and two legs. It can fly in the sky and travel long distances in the air. It builds nest on the trees, and eats insects, fish, grains, etc. Some of the birds have a crest on their forehead

Short Essay on Birds - Meaning and Physical Features -

Birds Aves are short essay on birds group of vertebrates which evolved from dinosaurs. They are endothermicwith feathers. Modern birds are toothless : they have beaked jaws. They lay hard-shelled eggs. They have a high metabolic ratea four-chambered heart and a strong yet lightweight skeleton.

Birds live all over the world. They range in short essay on birds from the 5 cm 2 in bee hummingbird to the 2. They are the class of tetrapods with the most living species: about ten thousand. More than half of these are passerinessometimes known as perching birds. Birds are the closest living relatives of the Crocodilia. The fossil record shows that birds evolved from feathered theropod dinosaurs.

Modern birds are not descended from Archaeopteryx. According to DNA evidence, modern birds Neornithes evolved in the Middle to Upper Cretaceous.

However, diversification occurred around the Cretaceous—Palaeogene extinction event. The Cretaceous—Palaeogene extinction event 66 million years ago killed off all the non-avian dinosaur lines.

Birds, especially those in the southern continents, survived this event and then migrated to other parts of the world. Primitive bird-like dinosaurs are in the broader group Avialae. Many had primitive characteristics like teeth in their jaws and long bony tails. Birds have wings which are more or less developed depending on the species. The only known groups without wings are the extinct moa and elephant birds.

Wings, which evolved from forelimbs, gave birds the ability to fly. Later many groups evolved with reduced wings, short essay on birds, such as ratitespenguins and many island species of birds. The digestive and respiratory systems of birds are also adapted for flight. Some bird species in aquatic environments, particularly seabirds and some waterbirds, short essay on birds, have evolved as good swimmers.

Some birds, especially crows and parrotsare among the most intelligent animals. Several bird species make and use tools. Many social species pass on knowledge across generations, a form of culture.

Many species annually migrate great distances. Birds are social. They communicate with visual signals, calls and bird songs. They have social behaviours such as cooperative breeding and hunting, flocking and mobbing of predators. Most bird species are socially monogamoususually for one breeding season at a time, sometimes for years, short essay on birds, but rarely for life.

Other species are polygynous one male with many females or, rarely, polyandrous short essay on birds female with many males. Birds produce offspring by laying eggs which are fertilised by sexual reproduction. Short essay on birds are often laid in a nest and incubated by the parents.

Most birds have an extended period of parental care after hatching. Some birds, short essay on birds, such as hens, lay eggs even when not fertilised, though unfertilised eggs do not produce offspring.

Many species of birds are eaten by humans. Domesticated and undomesticated birds poultry and game are sources of eggs, meat, and feathers. Songbirds, parrots and other species are popular as pets.

Guano is harvested for use as a fertiliser. Birds figure throughout human culture. About — species have become extinct due to human activity since the 17th century and hundreds more before then. Human activity threatens about 1, bird species with extinction, though efforts are underway to protect them.

Recreational bird-watching is an important part of the ecotourism industry. Birds come in a huge range of colours. Short essay on birds colours can be useful to a bird in two ways. Camouflage colours help to hide the bird, and bright colours identify the bird to others of the same species.

Often the male is brightly coloured while the female is camouflaged, short essay on birds. Many birds are brown, green or grey. These colours make a bird harder to see; they camouflage the bird. Brown birds include: sparrowsemusthrusheslarkseagles and falcons and the female birds of many species such as: wrensducksshort essay on birds, blackbirds and peafowls. When a brown bird is in long grass or among tree trunks or rocks, it is camouflaged.

A bittern is almost invisible in long reeds. Other birds, including starlings and minahs, short essay on birds, are quite dark in colour, but short essay on birds flecked with little spots that look like raindrops on leaves. Bird may also camouflage their nests. Many birds from hot countries are green or have some green feathers, particularly parrots. Short essay on birds that live in green trees often have green backs, even if they have bright-coloured breasts.

From the back, the birds are camouflaged. This is very useful when sitting on a nest. Budgerigars are bred in different colours such as blue, white and mauve, but in the wild, they are nearly all green and yellow. Even though they fly very well, they normally spend a lot of time on the ground, eating grass seeds. Their yellow and black striped back helps to hide them in the shadows made by long dry grass, while their green breasts are a similar colour to the leaves of gum trees.

Grey birds include most pigeons and dovescranesstorks and herons. Grey birds are often rock-living birds like pigeons or birds that sit on dead tree trunks looking like a broken branch. Water birds like herons often have a pale grey colour which makes it harder for a fish to notice that the bird is standing, looking down for something to catch. Water birds, no matter what colour they are on top, are often white underneath, so that when a fish looks up, the bird looks like part of the sky.

Black birds include short essay on birdsravens and male blackbirds. Some birds that are dark colours spend quite a lot of time on the ground, hopping around in the shadows under bushes. Among these birds are the male blackbird and the Satin Bowerbird which is not black but very dark blue. Crows and ravens often perch high on bare trees in the winter, where their black shape against the sky looks like the dark bare branches. Many birds are not camouflagedbut stand out with vivid colours.

They are usually male birds whose females are dull and camouflaged. The function of the colours is two-fold. Many birds are territorial, especially in the nesting season. They give out territory sounds and are easily seen.

This lets other males know they will defend their territory. It sends out a "look elsewhere" signal to their competitors. Some birds are famous for their colour and are named for it, such as the bluebirdshort essay on birds, the azure kingfisherthe golden pheasantthe scarlet macawshort essay on birds, the violet wren and the robin.

Many other birds are very brightly coloured, in countless combinations. Some of the most colourful birds are quite common, like pheasants, peacocks, domestic fowl and parrots. Colourful small birds include blue tits, the gold finches, humming birds, fairy wrens and bee eaters which are also called rainbow birds. Some birds, like those of the bird of paradise in Papua New Guinea have such beautiful feathers that they have been hunted for them.

The peafowl is the best example of a display of colour to attract a mate. Also the male domestic fowl and junglefowl have long shiny feathers above his tail and also long neck feathers that may be a different colour to his wings and body. There are only a very few types of birds like the eclectus parrot where the female is more colourful than the male.

Black and short essay on birds birds include magpiespied geesepelicans and Australian magpies which are not really magpies at all, short essay on birds. Pied birds often have brightly coloured beaks and legs of yellow or red. The silver pheasant, with its long white tail striped with fine bars of black, has a brightly coloured face. King parrotAustralia. Most birds can fly. They do this by pushing through the air with their wings. The curved surfaces of the wings cause air currents wind which lift the bird.

Flapping keeps the air current moving to create lift and also moves the bird forward. Some birds can glide on air currents without flapping. Many birds use this method when they are about to land. Some birds can also hover and remain in one place. This method is used by birds of prey such as falcons that are looking for something to eat. Seagulls are also good at hovering, particularly if there is a strong breeze.

write 10 lines on birds- Few lines about birds in English- Essay birds- Paragraph on birds- 2020

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Short Essay on Birds – Meaning and Physical Features

short essay on birds

 · It is one of the largest and most powerful birds of prey. The smallest eagle birds fly faster than most birds and more directly. They have larger wings compared to other small sized birds of different species. The eagle bird has outstanding Of all its senses, the eyesight is its biggest asset. It can detect prey from almost 2 miles away Words Short Essay on the Birds for kids. The bird is a flying feathered creature, with two strong wings and two legs. It can fly in the sky and travel long distances in the air. It builds nest on the trees, and eats insects, fish, grains, etc. Some of the birds have a crest on their forehead Colourful small birds include blue tits, the gold finches, humming birds, fairy wrens and bee eaters (which are also called rainbow birds). Some birds, like those of the bird of paradise in Papua New Guinea have such beautiful feathers that they have been hunted for them. The peafowl is the best example of a display of colour to attract a Ornithurae

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